Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I can't believe it! It is like Extreme Makeover Home Edition

I drive up to my house after a 3 day weekend and I can't believe it. I leave on a Thursday night and go to my parents. On the drive home I dread going into my house because it is like a bomb went off!!! There is food, clothes, mail and unpacked boxes everywhere!! I just wish someone would have come in while I was gone and unpacked clean and decorated my house that I moved in 3 MONTHS AGO!!! I don't even care where it goes...I'll find it...eventually!! I drive up and I can tell that something is wrong...or different... I walk into the house and I thought I was in the wrong one!!! It was beautiful, clean and shiny. All of the clothes were washed and put away. I can see this since I came in the door where the clothes pile, I mean sit. I slowly walk towards the living room. I look and I can see the table!!! I haven't seen it in months!!! Everything that was in the room in boxes or just stacked about is gone!!! I glance to the left and the bathroom is so shiny, I can't believe my eyes!! I walk closer towards my bedroom and it is a dream. It is the biggest bedroom I have ever had and now I can walk all the way around my bed!! I don't have to crawl over boxes to get into bed and all of my scrapbook stuff is put away and the things that aren't decorate it beautifully!! I step out of my room and go towards my daughter's room and I can't believe it!! Everything is put away and decorated so cutesy!! It is a dream, my daughter will love it!! I look to the left and where all of the boxes were that we haven't gotten to are all unpacked and put away!!! He has his boy cave now! Texas Tech everywhere....he won't believe his eyes. Now he can play his console games not looking over boxes. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me, except when my babies were born. This is what they deserve! They deserve to be in a clean safe environment!! They have been so good to me and have been patient and understanding for as long as I have been feeling bad. I wish I could have given this to them a long time ago.............Well looks like the kids will have to wait a little longer, it was just a dream!!!!!!!!!!!! Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

God Bless Lisa Lansford!!

Bam!! 3:15 in the morning and I am not sure what was going on! I had gone to bed a little stuffy, but felling okay. I awoke thinking that my eardrum was going to explode at any minute. I waited nearly an hour and finally called one of my "Forever Forsan Friends" (I just named them that!!). Lisa came and got me and we rushed off to the ER. Within minutes they had taken me back and gave me a big ole' shot that quickly shut down he old pain track!! It was the craziest thing!!!
Thanks again!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I come to you today so that you can help me praise the Lord!! Some of you know my story more than others, but most of you know that I have not felt well for a very long time. In the past 5 years I have gone from taking a couple of medications to 15 per day as of today.

Sometimes it takes everything I have just to get ready to go to work. Sometimes I don't have the energy to do what I need to do no matter how bad it needs to be done.

For awhile now I am normally in pain, can't breath and am in a constant fog. My fatigue is overwhelming at times. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Recently, I have just been at a loss because the doctors so far have not been able to find out what is wrong with me. I really thought that it was not going to be long until I would not be able to function.

I did not even go out of town with my kids for Spring Break or to a friend's benefit due to the way I felt. Yes I have a few hours here and there where I feel okay and try to make plans and get things done, but then my body hits again. Not that I would know, but it feels like I run a marathon every day!!!

Okay, here is where the Glory of God comes in!! It becomes more and more evident everyday why God sent us to Forsan Texas!! Not only have we been blessed by wonderful caring people here, but I have been seeing a doctor who seems to want to help me get well. Most of you know that I haven't slept well for years. Dr. Barclay here in Big Spring sent me for a sleep study last week.

Wahoo, good news and bad news!!! Good news, they found something huge that could solve so many of my health issues. Some of them can't be fixed due to years of damage, but many of them can!!! Okay, let me just say that I am very humbled right now!! During my sleep study out of 375 minutes of sleep I stopped breathing 232 times for an average of 21.1 seconds. That is a total of 81 minutes out of the 375 minutes that I did not breathe!!! That is nearly an hour and a half a night that I don't breathe!!!! My blood oxygen levels also dropped numerous times below 80%. Can I just say WOW!!!

I have severe obstructive sleep apnea!! I am waiting to hear from the neurologist for my next sleep study in which I will be fitted for a bi-pap machine. It is a mask that goes to a machine that I will wear everynight in order to breathe throughout the night. This may seem awkward, but who cares!!! A girl needs to sleep and breathe right!! The doctor said that this will absolutely change my life!!! I can not wait. Please pray with me that the appt. comes soon and that the Lord has his hand in all of this!! Most of all my kids will be glad to see me healthier!! I love them so much and thank them for putting up with me!!


My family!!